(Information based on Traditional Ayurvedic Texts)
Description :
Murivenna Oil is an effective natural Ayurvedic herbal oil used externally. It is used to treat sprains, wounds and fractures. It is used for external application over fresh wounds and old wounds that won’t heal. It also relieves inflammation and pain in both fractures and sprains as well as arthritis. Balances Vata Dosha.
Shatavari -Asparagus racemosus
Palandu -Allium Copa
Sigru-Moringa oleifera
Karanjam- Pongamia pinnata
Thrthaval-Spermacoce hispida
Coconut Oil – Cocos nucifera
Used for external application only.
Duration of Use
It can be used for a long period of time on a daily basis. Discuss with an experienced practitioner.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects associated with this product during external application.
(Information based on Traditional Ayurvedic Texts)
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