We have successfully blended the latest technology & ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Our motto is to give good results through accurate diagnosis via latest technology and software based report system & specialized treatments using modern equipment’s without changing the basic principles of Ayurveda.
Our Specialities
- One stop solution for all your hair and skin problem.
- Accurate diagnosis and perfect treatment.
- Complete Scalp Analysis, Photography, Microscopic Testing
- HQ (Hair Quotient ) and HP (Hair Prakruti ) analysis.
- Authentic Ayurvedic treatment from team of expert Ayurvedic Doctors .
- Wide range of hair and skin care herbal products.
Book your Consultation for Hair Fall Now with our Expert and Experienced Ayurvedic Practitioners .
Hair is an important part of our body. It not only enhances the beauty but also serve as body guard of skull during mild injury by reducing the impact of force by providing cushion like features. Disease of hair is early signal of some systemic and chronic disease.
Ayurworld’s Approach –
Nutrition of Dhatu(Nutritional Channel) promotes the Upadhatu(Nutritional Sub-channel) and Mala( Toxins). So nourishment of Asthi Dhatu (Bone Channel) and Treatment of Asthi Dhatu Vikar is essential required for the treatment of the hair disease. As Hair is Mala ( Toxin) of Asthi Dhatu(Bone Channel) .
Multiple nutrient deficiencies may result in Hair Loss. Nutrient deficiencies may arise due to genetic disorders, medical conditions, or dietary practices. As far as the matter of hair and its growth is concerned, once again we can reduce the need of nutrition and essential body requirements as it is formed/derived from the subsequent tissues.
So, providing the nutrition to the previous Dhatu and along with concern Dhatu is the necessary to provide the nutrition for Updhatu ((Nutritional Sub-channel) and Mala (Toxin). Ayurworld uses Ayurvedic classics to find Authentic Herbal Formulation and Treatment methods in texts. Many over the counter Hair Care products are in market are not showing significant result due to only external, time being nourishment.
How we Treat Hair Fall –
- The first step in the treatment is to rule out the root cause of the treatment so that chances of recurrency of the Hair Fall decreases to minimum.
- Diagnosis and treatment completely based on your Prakruti (Constitution). There is no same treatment for everyone.
- Advanced modern technologies to view your hair and scalp which helps in determining the severity of the condition.
- Includes history of diet, sleep, genetic history ,menstrual history and history of other diseases as well including mental stress.
- Based on the causative factors we decide mode of treatment. Treatment flows through following stages
- Preserve the present Hair.
- Stop the Hairfall.
- Increase the new growth of hair.
- Panchakarma (Detox) Therapy is inevitable part of every Hairfall treatment. Based on causative factors and Prakruti (Constitution) our Ayurvedic Practitioners decide which therapies are essential for every Hair Fall client.
- Ayurworld provides detail Hair Report with Scalp Photographs, Hair Analyser report.