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Useful during pregnancy and as Post Natal Care for mother.Excellent Uterine Tonic.

Arishtam’s are naturally fermented Ayurvedic herbal preparations. Due to fermentation it penetrates deeply at tissue level and shows the effect in very less time . As its in liquid form absorption is always quicker compare to Powder or Tablet forms of herbs .

(Information based on Traditional Ayurvedic Texts)

Ayurworld highly recommends Consultation with Ayurvedic Doctor and  Practitioner before consuming  any product.

Useful during pregnancy and as Post Natal Care for mother.Excellent Uterine Tonic .Also useful in Stroke patients and Bell’s Palsy .

Arishtam’s are naturally fermented Ayurvedic herbal preparations. Due to fermentation it penetrates deeply at tissue level and shows the effect in very less time . As its in liquid form absorption is always quicker compare to Powder or Tablet forms of herbs .

Each 10 ml prepared out of:

Bala- Sida  0.671g
Yava – 0.048g
Dashmoola- 0.048g

Dose: 15 to 30 ml, as directed by the Ayurvedic Doctor and  Practitioner .
Useful during pregnancy and also after delivery. Effective in Vata disorders .

(Information based on Traditional Ayurvedic Texts)

Ayurworld highly recommends Consultation with Ayurvedic Doctor and  Practitioner before consuming  any product.

Weight 530 g