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Abhayarishta (Abhayarishtam) has mild laxative action and mild diuretic characteristics. It promotes proper peristaltic movements of the intestine and helps in easier defecation. It is also used as intestine detox to eliminate toxins from the alimentary canal

1.Very effective in Hemorrhoids

2.Excellent laxative


4.Digestive stimulant

5.Mild diuretic

6.Useful in flatulance

Abhyarishtam is very famous Ayurvedic Medicine widely used for Constipation and Haemorrhoids.It also helps to improve digestion along with releasing the abdominal gases and bloating .In all ano-rectal conditions inlcuding Haemorrhoids,Fistula-in-ano & Fissure Abhyaristham helps a lot by keeping the stool soft and healing the rectal tissues.

Packing :450 Ml

Mfg Date -June 22

Exp Date – June 32

1 Guda Saccharum officinarum
2 Abhaya Terminalia chebula
3 Dhatri Phyllanthus emblica
4 Kapitha Limonia accidissima
5 Visala Citrullus colocynthis
6 Lodhra Symplocos cochinchinensis
7 Maricha Piper nigrum
8 Krishna Piper longum
10 Elavaluka Prunus avium
11 Dhataki  


Keep in cool & dry place .Keep away frpm children .